Our next group starts in Fall 2023!

Get on the waitlist now.

You're in the right place if you want to...

  • Stop eating when you are comfortably full instead of physically uncomfortable

  • Enjoy all foods without feeling guilty or out of control

  • Not analyze every single little thing you eat (and if it's "worth it")

  • Keep your favorite foods in the house because you actually *trust* yourself around them

  • Never feel like you are either 100% on it or 100% f*cking up with food

  • Not waste endless time looking online for the "perfect" diet

  • Work *with* your metabolism instead of against it

  • Not end every day judging your self-worth by what you did or didn't eat

  • Stop stressing over every ingredient in your food

  • Stop the binge-restrict cycle but food freedom seems like a scary free-for-all

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is a compassionate, self-care eating framework that treats all bodies with dignity and respect.

  • Frees you from the restrictive dieting cycle.

    Together, we'll move away from the deprivation --> loss of control cycle, and you'll learn how to trust your body and it's signals. You'll also learn how to nourish your body in a way that feels physically and mentally good AND that supports your metabolism.

  • Improves the connection with your body.

    You'll learn how to perceive, understand, and honor physical sensations that arise within your body (such as hunger, fullness, and satisfaction) instead of following a set of food or diet rules. You'll also learn how to move your body in a way that feels good to you.

  • Removes disrupters to your self-attunement.

    You'll be able to reject long-held food rules and instead make PEACE with food by challenging the diet mentality. You'll learn what treating your body with kindness and respect means to you, and how to honor your body with gentle nutrition.

Our next group is in Fall 2023!

Get on the waitlist now.

Testimonials for Real Good Intuitive Eating

"I eat foods that I want to eat, when I want to eat them, and miraculously my body knows balance naturally."

Katie (name changed for privacy)

Today I feel like I have permission to exist in the world and I’m of value exactly as I am. I eat foods that I want to eat, when I want to eat them, and miraculously my body knows balance naturally. I don’t have to skip out on celebratory pleasures or analyze if I really “need” that cookie. By allowing myself freedom to say “yes” to what my body is asking for, I have found that my body asks for what I previously would have categorized as “healthy foods” just as much, if not more, than the foods I felt I needed to restrict. I haven’t restricted or binged since the program.

"I'm not FORCING things anymore."


I don't label food good or bad, or have the idea that I need to workout to 'burn off what I ate'. I eat when I'm hungry and have noticed I can have cookies in the house and not eat them all in one sitting. I also incorporate movement on the days I feel rested and let me body tell me what it needs. I'm not FORCING things anymore.

"It was amazing to chat with other people who have had very similar diet/food/body issues."


This program helped me to see that there is value in everything you consume (in some way). It got the ball rolling on me thinking of diet culture, food, and my body in a healthier way. One of the most helpful things I learned was the stats around dieting and how diets are basically meant to fail eventually. I also really enjoyed looking at my past to see why I have been so obsessed with food and my body for all my life. It was super eye opening. I loved connecting with the group weekly. It was amazing to chat with other people who have had very similar diet/food/body issues (even if our backgrounds were super different, we all connected). When I think about how I want to look like someone on social media, or diet to lose weight, etc., I think back to everything I learned. I will re-read things from the program, look at books that were suggested, engage with online content that is similar to it, and get back on the path I want to be on. I think that diet culture needs to be called out for what it is. And that women (and men) should all have the knowledge to help them love themselves a little more, and enjoy food (and life) more as well. I literally think EVERYONE would benefit from this course. I barely know anyone who hasn't been affected by diet culture and society's idea of the "perfect body" and "perfect diet."

"I walked away feeling so much more equipped and less isolated with challenging ideas around food."


I learned so much about my historial patterns and I walked away feeling so much more equipped and less isolated with challenging ideas around food. If you have time to dedicate to jumping in to this course, you absolutely have to.

Meet Your Expert Coach, Emmy

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Emmy Bright

Hi there! I'm Emmy Bright, a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with a passion for healing my clients' relationships with food. I'm so glad you're here! I trained to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor to not only share my passion for this practice, but to be able to support my clients in the best way possible. It's always my goal that you feel safe with me, and I don't take that trust lightly. I believe so deeply in Intuitive Eating because I've seen it change the way my clients think about food and behave around it. I've seen it break down years of their strongly held thoughts about food and their bodies that were damaging to their quality of life and relationships. I've seen it help my clients heal from eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. And I've seen it help my clients say "enough is enough" to years drowning in diet culture. The most exciting and rewarding thing is how often I see it give my clients hope that a different, more free relationship with food is possible.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Emmy Bright

Hi there! I'm Emmy Bright, a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with a passion for healing my clients' relationships with food. I'm so glad you're here! I trained to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor to not only share my passion for this practice, but to be able to support my clients in the best way possible. It's always my goal that you feel safe with me, and I don't take that trust lightly. I believe so deeply in Intuitive Eating because I've seen it change the way my clients think about food and behave around it. I've seen it break down years of their strongly held thoughts about food and their bodies that were damaging to their quality of life and relationships. I've seen it help my clients heal from eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. And I've seen it help my clients say "enough is enough" to years drowning in diet culture. The most exciting and rewarding thing is how often I see it give my clients hope that a different, more free relationship with food is possible.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Emmy Bright

Hi there! I'm Emmy Bright, a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with a passion for healing my clients' relationships with food. I'm so glad you're here! I trained to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor to not only share my passion for this practice, but to be able to support my clients in the best way possible. It's always my goal that you feel safe with me, and I don't take that trust lightly. I believe so deeply in Intuitive Eating because I've seen it change the way my clients think about food and behave around it. I've seen it break down years of their strongly held thoughts about food and their bodies that were damaging to their quality of life and relationships. I've seen it help my clients heal from eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. And I've seen it help my clients say "enough is enough" to years drowning in diet culture. The most exciting and rewarding thing is how often I see it give my clients hope that a different, more free relationship with food is possible.

Here's Our Plan...

Module 1: The Real on Intuitive Eating and Your Relationship with Food

  • What does it mean to be an Intuitive Eater?
  • How Intuitive Eating can be used to feel less stressed about food.
  • What type of eater are you, and how can you use this to improve your relationship with food?
  • Busting common Intuitive Eating myths and fears.

Module 2: Hitting "Diet Bottom"... And Saying F*ck Diet Culture

  • How to know if something is the "diet mentality," and how to switch it off into compassionate self-talk.
  • Learn what happens to your metabolism and overall health when you diet or restrict.
  • How to identify and ditch your dieting tools for good.
  • Addressing common fears surrounding Intuitive Eating.

Module 3: Relearning to Honor Your Hunger

  • Understanding the biomechanics of hunger and how to work with your metabolism instead of against it.
  • What triggers "primal hunger" and what types of food should you keep on hand to address it?
  • Step-by-step instructions for reconditioning your body to learn, understand, and honor hunger cues.
  • Deep Dive: Food addiction - is it real and what do I do if I feel addicted to food? 

Module 4: The Mechanics of Binge and Rebound Eating

  • How to avoid "deprivation set-ups" that lead to binge and overeating episodes.
  • Deep Dive: Habituation - A proven 5-step process for making peace with each of your "fear foods," "bad foods," and "off-limits" foods.
  • How to recognize when "rebound eating" happens, and how to counteract it.
  • Learn how to reflect on how different foods make you feel physically and mentally.

Module 5: Challenge Your Self-Critic

  • How to identify (and have!) helpful nutrition thoughts vs. destructive dieting thoughts when making food-related decisions.
  • Practical steps to switch from the Destructive Food Talk Cycle to the Helpful Food Talk Cycle.
  • 5 types of negative-self talk around food & our body and how to challenge them.

Module 6: How to Have No-Guilt Eating

  • Step-by-step instruction for making satisfying meals and snacks (and how this can be used to stop overeating).
  • Learn what causes you to feel pleasantly full vs. uncomfortably full.
  • Practical tips to create more enjoyable eating experiences with less distractions.
  • How to eat what you really want without guilt or "losing control."

Module 7: Finding Your Comfortable Fullness Cue

  • Discovering the difference between comfortable & uncomfortable fullness, and reasons why you may eat past this point (the clean plate mentality!).
  • How to choose foods and create meals & snacks that give you more staying power (with ideas!)
  •  How to actually stop eating when you're full (and also not beat yourself up if you don't) 

Module 8: Deep Dive into Emotional Eating

  • How to deconstruct your eating behaviors to understand the underlying reasons why emotional or "loss of control" eating happens.
  • Learn how to cope with emotions in a way that feels kind to your body.
  • Coping strategies to address self-care needs when food is not the solution.
  • Deep Dive: Food cravings - Why do I have them, and how do I work through them?

Module 9: Set Point Weigh Theory & Body Image

  • Learn how your metabolism supports a genetic blueprint, know what your set point weight is, and how to respect your body where it is today.
  • Concrete tips on how to work through "bad body image days" (and why they come up).
  • Deep dive into weight and health, including weight stigma and its health effects.

Module 10: Intuitive Exercise

  • Ways to know if your relationship with exercise has become disordered and based on punishment.
  • How to stop focusing on how many calories it burns and rather how it feels in your body.
  • How to find movement you actually love, and how to support an exercise practice with food.

Module 11: Nutrition Without Dieting (Part 1 & 2)

  • How to choose foods based on "gentle nutrition" vs. a diet or meal plan.
  • Nutrition myth busting and how to sift through diet culture BS all around us.
  • What actually is a "well-rounded" diet, and how do I meal plan and/or prep?
  • How to fuel your metabolism as you heal from dieting.
  • Meal and snack ideas from your dietitian and community.

Module 12: Intuitive Eating in Real Life

  • Troubleshooting real life situations where you feel lost, frustrated, or like giving up.
  • How to handle fears of weight change or pressure to diet again.
  • What will "normal eating" actually look like for me?

What is it like to work with Emmy?

Here's what clients say about their experiences:

  • "Emmy has been an absolute blessing. She is a wealth of knowledge and has really helped me navigate my eating habits and behaviors in a healthy and sustainable way. I feel like we live in a world full of mixed messages in regards to nutrition and Emmy has helped me realize what I should focus my attention on verses what is just “noise” and “fad diet culture information." - Sara

  • "Emmy is so incredibly intelligent, kind, approachable, inclusive, and informed in her field. I also loved the sense of community developed among the members of the group. It’s always good to know I’m not alone in my struggles with food." - Katie (name changed for privacy)

  • "Emmy is a dream come true for people trying to eat and feel healthy. She promotes healthy food and a healthy relationship with food. It has been wonderful working with her. I highly recommend working with her to better your health, especially your nutrition!" -Erin

  • "Emmy is awesome. There's no judgment, and she works really hard to make sure she can give you realistic and sustainable goals. She also made virtual sessions (I'm located in Chicago) so comfortable and easy. Highly recommend!" -Jac

Client experiences with Emmy:


{Client name changed for privacy}

Emmy encouraged me to work with my body instead of against it, all while giving me helpful recommendations to help me develop a diet that did not feel forced or superficial. I never knew how good life could be with a healthier relationship with food. I found myself motivated to do exercises that I find fun and relaxing and loving and treating my body with the respect it deserved. I used to criticize my body and analyze it for any signs of weight gain whereas now I understand that bodies are supposed to gain and lose weight to thrive. On a recent trip home from school, my parents were amazed at my difference in demeanor towards food. They knew me for being overly anxious about my portions and appearance and commended me how ‘relaxed and happy’ I was at family dinner. My mom noticed me feeling happier, more confident, and less worried if I had gained or lost weight. I was extremely fortunate to have Emmy give me tools on how to create a healthy relationship with food more quickly than I saw possible. I appreciated how Emmy met me where I was at and how my experience was tailored to my needs, not a universal diet program. When I asked questions, Emmy always replied with a variety of extremely well thought out solutions so I always felt in control of my own progress and did what feels good to me. I will always recommend Emmy because she can break down big problems into meaningful solutions and can show you how good it feels to live free of food stress!


{Client name changed for privacy}

In a surprisingly short amount of time, Emmy has helped me combat my unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, address my negative body image and self-consciousness, and has allowed me a future of food freedom. Being someone who has always struggled with weight, I never dreamed this was possible. My past experiences with nutritionists and dietitians made me terrified and skeptical, but Emmy approaches her clients with the utmost care and respect. I have never once felt judged but instead have been embraced with love and understanding. Emmy is personable, relatable, knowledgeable, and willing to talk about anything, digestive health included.

What's NOT Included?

Any diet culture-related information:

Dieting advice

Dieting rules

How to lose weight

Calorie or macro counting

Weight shaming

Weight bias


Medical Nutrition Therapy for:

Chronic diseases

Active eating disorders*

(*unsure if this is you? Reach out to chat with Emmy to see)

Please reach out if you have any questions about whether or not this group is right for you!

Got a Question?

Here are some answers!

  • What are the benefits to Intuitive Eating overall?

    So many! A few that I like to highlight from the >140+ studies on Intuitive Eating include: greater body appreciation and satisfaction, positive emotional functioning, greater life satisfaction, unconditional self-regard and optimism, psychological hardiness (gotta love that), and greater motivation to exercise (Intuitive Eating, 4th Ed)

  • What is the benefit to learning Intuitive Eating in a group setting?

    Not only am I a trained Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, my method for teaching Intuitive Eating in this way is actually evidence-based! My group work and self-study method has been researched to reduce disordered eating behaviors, body dissatisfaction, and weight-bias internalization, while improving body appreciation, IE abilities, and overall life satisfaction. I've seen firsthand how this method for learning how to eat intuitively has truly changed the lives of my clients!

  • When are where are the sessions held?

    The Fall 2023 group dates will be held biweekly, date TBD. We'll meet 5-6pm CST and recordings will always be available.

  • What if I want in-between session support?

    I'm here for you! In between sessions you can reach out to me and your group via our private community or send me an email. Private 1:1 coaching sessions with me will also be available during your 12-week program! Send me a message if you're interested in this option after you sign up.

  • Will this be a lot of work?

    Anyone that promises quick or easy fixes when it comes to your relationship with food should be an instant red flag. Like I tell all my clients, any exercises or resources that I give you are always 100% optional. Everything I provide is designed to help you get deeper into your IE practice, but I want you to feel safe to reflect rather than get to a place that you're not ready to be at yet. With the modules and exercises I provide (and there's a lot of them!), be prepared to dedicate at least 1-2 hours per week. Busy schedule? I totally hear you, and don't sweat it. Everything can be done on your own time, and if you can't make a group session you can always watch the reply and reach out to the group with any questions afterward.

  • What's your refund policy?

    Unfortunately there are no refunds on this program or any service from Real Good Nutrition. But I do want to make sure you are comfortable with investing, so please reach out with any questions or concerns you have prior to signing up!

  • If I can't make a session, will it be recorded?

    Absolutely! All sessions are recorded for you to go back and watch or re-watch!

  • I have more questions!

    Love it! Email me at info@therealgoodnutrition with the subject line: "IE Group Question"

  • Can I do a payment plan?

    Yes! You can either do a one-time payment of $747, or 3 payments of $275.

Thinking about doing "one last diet" before focusing on your relationship with food?

The outcome will always be the same... and it's time to try something different.